英文片詞 200810

~ 阿亮 ~

英文片詞收集 200810

If wishes were horse, …   如果夢想成真…

  • PS: 來自諺言:If wishes were horse, beggars would ride. 指光是空想就可以成真的話,這世界上就沒有窮人了,日子可好過了。
  • If wishes were horse, I could buy many Benz cars.

make ends meet 所賺的只夠糊口,但也不會負債

  • In order to make ends meet, she re-enter the work force.

lose my shirt 幾乎失去所有

  • I lost my shirt on my last currency transaction.

early to bed, early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise 早睡早起身體好 

easier said than done 說的比做的簡單

action speak louder than word 做的部份比說的部份重要(行動勝於空談)

on the same page 達成共識

  • There is still a lot of details that need ironing out, but I think we’re on the same page now.

all that glitters is not gold 金玉其表,敗絮其中

haste makes waste 欲速則不達

a stitch in time saves nine 防微杜漸/小洞不補大洞吃苦

boob tube (俚) 電視機  couch potato (俚) 指整天看電視的人

  • The boob tube always catches the couch potatoes

under one’s belt 具備成功的經驗;習得技能

  • With fourteen years of apprenticing under his belt, it was time to take over.

on behalf of / one sb behalf  謹代表某人或某公司

  • I had to attend the meeting on Boss’ behalf.
  • On behalf of  DJ Corporation, I would like to welcome you all to visit our manufacturing plant.

sell like hotcakes 產品熱賣

  • iPod will sell like hotcakes.

bang for one’s buck / bang for the buck 值回票價

  • This car cross between a sports car and a family sedan gave a lot of bang for the buck.

take sth into account / take into account sth  考慮;重視

  • Do the quotas take into account the range of discounts we’re going to offer?




  • 標案快訊


  • 姓名筆畫吉凶查詢系統


  • 臉書粉絲專頁搜尋 (FPSearch)


  • 條碼掃描器(QRCode)

    支援 QRCode and Barcodes、可連續快速掃描、自動對焦、可打開手電筒供掃描時使用

  • 下一班公車(nextBus)

    這個 app 只要開啟後,就根據定位幫你過濾出附近站牌的時刻表,以及提供相關公車預計到站的時間,方便您在很快時間內確定要坐的哪一班公車

  • 油價快訊App (OilPrices)
