
~ 阿亮 ~

最近讀 biz LiveABC 時,有一篇郭台銘語錄的文章,這些語錄還蠻有意思的

  • Winners have two perpetual competitors, time and themselves.
  • Success is the worst counselor there could be. It only brings us ignorance and reservations, and it always fails to provide us with the experience and wisdom required for next success.
  • He who contends for power and self gain is a real man. He who explores and conquers the great unknown is true hero.
  • It’s not scary to make mistakes. What’s scary is to repeat the same mistakes.
  • When you’re fifty years old, you need to know when to press the gas pedal. More importantly, you need to know when to step on the brakes.


  • I don’t know what forges a good leader, but I do know what constitutes a bad one:
    • One who puts his employees on the front line rather than themselves
    • One who delegates responsibility
    • One who tries to please everyone
    • One who only work from nine to five
    • One who neither punishes nor rewards





  • 條碼掃描器(QRCode)

    支援 QRCode and Barcodes、可連續快速掃描、自動對焦、可打開手電筒供掃描時使用

  • 國道一路通(FreeWay)


  • 台灣匯率快算

    提供全球 150 種以上貨幣即時換算,以及各種匯率歷史變化圖。

  • 臉書粉絲專頁搜尋 (FPSearch)


  • 下一班公車(nextBus)

    這個 app 只要開啟後,就根據定位幫你過濾出附近站牌的時刻表,以及提供相關公車預計到站的時間,方便您在很快時間內確定要坐的哪一班公車

  • 下一台單車(NextBike)
