
~ 阿亮 ~

an ace in the hole  指仍有最後王牌未用,還有機會

  • A good negotiator has more than one ace in the hole.

a house of cards 紙牌推起來的房子,引伸指搖搖欲墜的組織或計劃

  • The employees begin to suspect that their company is a house of cards now.

blue chip 賭場內的最高面額的籌碼,引伸成「最好的事物」或「績優股」

call someone’s bluff 打牌時,挑戰對方假裝有好牌的情形

  • I called Jason’s bluff, and he admitted he had married Amy.

drawing card 吸引人的人或物

  • This year Chien-Ming Wang has become the biggest drawing card in Taiwan in a long time.

force someone’s hand  迫使對方進行不願做或太早做的行為 (比如不得不的拆牌)

  • Financial recession forces stock brokers’ hand, and they sell blue chip in their hand to get cash.

have a card up one’s sleeve 藏在衣袖內的卡,引伸為「錦囊妙計」

  • Bill always has a card up his sleeve,  so whenever faced up with a puzzle, he could find a way.

hold all the cards 擁有掌握全局的條件

  • She holds all the cards in her job.

keep/play your cards close to your chest 不讓人知道自己的計畫

  • I never know what her next move will be. She plays her card close to her chest.

lay/put your cards on the table 攤牌,說出自己的計畫

  • She put her cards on the table, and tell him that she will not marry him.

pass the buck 以前用獵刀標示誰做莊,現代引伸為「推卸責任給別人」

  • The manager passes the buck to his member for not doing the best.

play your cards right 下對牌,引伸為事情都做對的話

  • If I played my cards right, I could be hired as a project manager on that project

poker face 不喜形於色的

  • I never know whether my boss likes my work or not, he is a really a poker face, which never let us know how he feels! 

raise/up the ante 提高賭注(風險),期待得到更好的結果

  • The government has raised the ante by refusing to negotiate until a ceasefire has been agreed.

showdown 攤牌

  • His girlfriend got into a showdown with his ex-wife.

stack the deck 暗中做牌來達到勝利,引伸指用不公平的方法來達到目的

  • The manager stacked the deck for Bill’s favor, so he got the credit.

wild card 指某人或某物的下一步難以預料

  • He is a wild card who might have a real chance to win.





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  • 臉書粉絲專頁搜尋 (FPSearch)


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