英文片詞 200812

~ 阿亮 ~

英文片詞收集 200812

[名言] If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though the dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered. (AL Jaber)

come up with (something) 產生某物(特別在有壓力條件下)

  • The researcher are ask to come up with a cure for disease.

(be) set to 準備進行

  • The chairman of KMT is set to meet with heads of China Communist Party this weekend.

come out of one’s shell 不再害羞

back out of 違背

  • I am not trying to back out of the agreement.

all ears 洗耳恭聽

  • If you want to tell me, I am all ears.

all for 強烈意願

  • I am all for trying new things.

(be) in for it 就有麻煩了

  • When Dad gets home, you’re gonna be in for it.

(be) in for 遭受某事

  • You might have to bring a umbrella; it look like we’re in for some rain.

(be) sold 被說服接受某事

  • He try to sell us their image as great lovers. But, we were not sold.

call it quits 停止手上的事情或動作

  • At midnight, I decided to call it quits and close my book.

stack up againtst 相較之下

  • How do you think this brand stack up against its competitors?

keep/put one’s nose to the grindstone 埋頭苦幹 know something inside and out 對某事瞭如指掌

  • You can be sure our competitors know their products inside and out.

lose sleep over 為某事擔心

  • Don’t expect me to lose any sleep over it.

keep a low profile 保持低調、避免引人注目

  • In matters concerning his family, he managed to keep a low profile.

once bitten, twice shy  一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩 過去的事就讓它過去吧

  • let bygones be bygones
  • let the dead bury their dead

out of the frying pan and into the fire 從一個火炕跳入另一個火炕 (情況弄得更糟)  




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