Email 發布模組
Email 發布模組 (DJ-Email-Publish)
- DJ-Email-Publish is a WordPress Plugin.
- When you publish a new post, this plugins will send the post to your other blogs (such as msn spaces) via email.
Newest Download
- Email Publish 1.7
(2009.05.19). Please remain your suggestions here
My Demo Site
- 1.7 (2009.05.19)
- SMTP option supported.
- Remain Hostname field if you want send mail via local mail.
- BTW. Editing php.ini is another way to enable SMTP option
- [mail function]
- SMTP = localhost
- sendmail_from =
- sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
- …
- 1.6.1 (2008.12.21)
- PHPMail->CharSet is set to “utf-8”.
- 1.6 (2008.12.17)
- Had been tested with WordPress 2.7.
- If the post is set as “password protected”, the post will not be sent.
- 1.5 (2007.05.27)
- Different target set with different publish type and email encoding.
- Using PHPMail class instead of wp-mail().
- 1.4.3 (2007.04.17)
- Thank to Yarak
found $path variable
causes the options do not be save properly under Windows environment.
- Thank to Yarak
- 1.4 (2006.12.13)
- Migrating the file dj-email-publish.php into dj-email-publish/ directory. You need to reactive this plugin if you upgrade from version 1.3 or earlier.
- Non-English title will be showed correctly in MSN or Blogger. Will not look like as follows:
- beta,有人å應有å•é¡Œå•Š
- 1.3 (2006.08.09)
- You can send the post with different modes now.
- Only Title.
- Summary ( If <!–more–> is existed, then send the post as summary, else as fulltext. )
- and FullText.
- You can send the post with different modes now.
- 1.2 (2006.06.28)
- You can trigger dj-email-publish via xml-rpc clients(such as performancing) now.
- 1.1 (2006.05.09)
- 新增此頁,此頁將為此模組的永久網頁。
- 寄送時, title 處,遇到 dash 時,用空白取代。
- 管理端 Options/Email Publish 下,可設定三組 email.
- 1.0 (2006.04.14)
- 粗略的版本,原始發於自 動發布到 MSN Space
- 粗略的版本,原始發於自 動發布到 MSN Space
- 設置電子信箱之後發表新文章的確可以發送到 xxxx◎gmail.com這個郵箱 但是卻不能同步發布在msn space上 這是為什麼呢?
- 請確定 msn space 上「設定」==> 「電郵發布」的以下選項
- 「開啟電郵發佈功能」是否開啟?
- 「輸入您的電子郵件地址」==> 限制可發布的郵件,特別注意是否寄出的 email address 和您想像的一樣,若您的 gmail 等其他信箱可以收信,檢查郵件的 Source 是否有其他郵件 address 來源,特別是 hosting web (比如,您的信箱可能是,但您可能要設成 才能成功。
- 「選擇是否要立即發佈您的內容」 ==> 預設是「草稿模式」,檢查是有設成「立即發布」?
- 另外,我目前測試的結果,就不知為什麼仍會有幾封送去 成功的同時,送去 msn spaces 就是會不見。
- 請確定 msn space 上「設定」==> 「電郵發布」的以下選項