英文片詞 200811

~ 阿亮 ~

英文片詞收集 200811

absence makes the heart grow fonder 小別勝新歡

nothing ventured; nothing gained 不入虎穴,焉得虎子

make a scene  當眾大吵

hit the ground running 首當其要的事情

make hay while the sun shines  類似「打鐵趁熱」的意思,除乾草時最好在大太陽下,若下雨後,乾草含水的話,就很難處理了,因為會變得很重。

be fond of/ be keen on 喜愛某人或某事

  • She was fond of dancing.
  • Bob makes it obvious he is keen on her.

swear someone in  某人被帶領宣誓就職某職位

  • Barack Obama will be sworn in as 44th president of United State on January 20, 2009.

when in Rome do as the Romans do  入境隨俗

A leopard can’t change his spots.  類似「牛牽到北京還是一隻牛」的意思

Fools rush in where the angels fear to tread. 類似「初生之犢不畏虎」 的意思

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. 類似「刮別人鬍子前,刮好自己的」的意思

Fortune favors the brave. 成功永遠屬於勇於嘗試的人

put on airs 擺架子,一付高高在上的樣子

  • She put on airs after marrying with a millionaire.

rise/arise 的不同,都是不及物動詞, 也都是指事情發生,但 arise 一般用在比較抽象的事件。

  • Many empires rose and fell in China.
  • The people decided to rise up against the corrupted government.
  • Several problems arose from the mishap.
  • I shall certainly go to French next year, if the opportunity arises.




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